Little Guilt

About Us

Originating from Perth, Western Australia, Little Guilt is Ella Melton, Lachlan Thomson, Joe Knowles, Brady Keirnan and Jarrod Rumble.

With intimate and softly sweet vocals, drivey guitars and melodic synth lines, the band aims to capture the seemingly mundane rituals of everyday life and turn it into something to reflect on with a sense of nostalgia and sentimentality.

Born from years of friendship and a mutual interest in anything music related, the band formed in early 2021, and released a string of singles before unveiling their debut EP 'I Do Everything Around The House' in September of 2022. With features in Frankie Magazine and garnering plays on nationally acclaimed radio station, Triple J, this proved to be a body of work that seemed to cement them as a band that was trying to do something different yet weirdly familiar.

Since going on their first national tour across Australia in April of 2024, the band has put together another body of work. Drawing inspiration from an eclectic array of sources, the EP centres on how to let go of the things you think you need. How to find space in world that seems so busy, whether that be a toxic situationship, a dead-end job or a love that’s lost.

‘Finding Space’ is out now.



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A Little Guilt Goes A Long Way